Our mission is to save cultural heritage
Office of the Chamber
The Office secures the written agenda, organisation and technical side of all organs of the Chamber and fulfills the role of their secreatariat:
- provides for specialised documents and paper work needed for the meetings of the Chamber´s organs
- executes written copies of all resolutions and decisions of the organs of the Chamber
- keeps the registry of the Chamber and is the office of application and distribution for the written matters of the Chamber
- secures organisation and administrative keeping of the lists and registers led by the Chamber, including the printing of the licences and other prints, provides for the realisation of the stamps
- keeps the personal files of the members of the Chamber
- organises and technically secures the execution of exams and vows
- secures the electronical contact and correspodence with regulating bodies, with united contact points and organs of state administration in matters of recognition of specialised qualifications.
(simplified wording)
Head of the office:
JUDr. Peter Paška
The Statutes of the Chamber of the Restorers are located on the Legislation subpage.